Defeo, O., Licandro, J. A., Olalde, J., Bausero-Jorcin, S., Celentano, E., de Álava, A., Jorge-Romero, G., Lercari, D., Rangel-Buitrago, N. (2024) Assessing the health and scenic quality of sandy beaches: A large-scale evaluation using expert judgement. Ocean & Coastal Management 259: 107468. AVAILABLE!
Giménez, J., Fiori, S., Torroglosa, M.E., Celentano, E., Masellom A., Defeo O., Lomovasky, B.J. (2024) Environmentally-driven variations in reproductive traits in a sandy beach bivalve throughout its geographic range. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 303:108816.
Baldeija, B., Lercari, D. (2024). An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers. Ocean and Coastal Research 72:e24001.
Castrejón, M., Defeo, O. (2024). Addressing illegal longlining and ghost fishing in the Galapagos marine reserve: an overview of challenges and potential solutions. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1400737.
Bausero-Jorcin, S. Gelcich, S., Gianelli, I., Jorge-Romero, G., Lezama, C., Defeo, O. (2024) Assessing the performance of a participatory governance transformation in small-scale fisheries: A case study from Uruguay. Marine Policy 160: 105964.
Risoli, M.C., Yusseppone, M.S., Defeo, O., Lomovasky, B.J. (2024) Assessing sandy beach macrofaunal assemblages across geographically diverse morphodynamic environments. Marine Environmental Research 196:106407.
Lercari, D. (2023) Sandy beaches: Publication features, thematic areas and collaborative networks between 2009 and 2019. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 281:108211.
Gianelli, I., Orlando, L., Cardoso, L. G., Carranza, A., Celentano, E., Correa, P., de la Rosa, A., Doño, F., Haimovici, M., Horta, S., Jaureguizar, A., j., Jorge-Romero, G., Lercari, D., Martínez, G., Pereyra, I., Silveira, S., Vögler R., Defeo, O. (2023). Sensitivity of fishery resources to climate change in the warm-temperate Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Regional Environmental Change 23(2):49.
McLachlan, A., Defeo, O. 2022. Where will the children play? A personal perspective on sandy beaches. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 280:108186.
Celentano, E., Gómez, J., Lercari, D., de Álava, A., Defeo, O. (2022) Unravelling the role of local and large-scale factorsin structuring sandy beach populations: the wedgeclamDonax hanleyanus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 696:29-42. AVAILABLE!
Meerhoff, E., Combes, V., Matano, R., Barrier, N., Franco, B., Piola, A., Hernández-Vaca, F., Defeo, O. (2022) Large-scale connectivity of the sandy beach clam Mesodesma mactroides along the Atlantic coast of South America, and climate change implications. Marine Environmental Research 176:105591.
Herbert-Read, James E., et al. (2022) A global horizon scan of issues impacting marine and coastal biodiversity conservation. Nature Ecology & Evolution. DISPONIBLE!
Jorge-Romero, G., Michael E., Defeo O. (2022) Managing beyond ecosystem limits at the land-sea interface: The case of sandy beaches. Marine Pollution Bulletin 181: 113838.
Vermeiren, P., Lercari, D., Muñoz, C. C., Ikejima, K., Celentano, E., Jorge-Romero, G., & Defeo, O. (2021) Sediment grain size determines microplastic exposure landscapes for sandy beach macroinfauna. Environmental Pollution 286: 117308.
Jorge-Romero, G., Celentano, E., Lercari, D., Ortega, L., Licandro, J.A., Defeo, O. (2021) Long-term and multilevel impact assessment of the 2015-2016 El Niño on a sandy beach of the Southwestern Atlantic. Science of the Total Environment 775: 145689.
Defeo, O., Elliott, M. (2021) The ‘Triple Whammy’ of coasts under threat – why we should be worried! Marine Pollution Bulletin 163: 111832.
Lercari, D. (2021) Analysis of three decades of research in marine sciences in Uruguay through mapping of science and bibliometric indexes. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 49: 1-17.
Tourinho, J., Márquez, A., Celentano, E., Meerhoff, E., Defeo, O. (2021) Life history and demographic evolution: comparative population genetics in sandy beach crustaceans. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 252: 107189.
Fanini, L., Defeo, O., Elliott, M. (2020) Advances in sandy beach research – Local and global perspectives. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 234: 106646.
Meerhoff, E., Defeo, O., Combes, V., Franco, B., Matano, R., Piola, A., Hernández-Vaca, F., Celentano, E. (2020) Assessment of larval connectivity in a sandy beach mole crab through a coupled bio-oceanographic model. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 246: 107035
Orlando, L., Ortega, L., Defeo, O. (2020). Urbanization effects on sandy beach macrofauna along an estuarine gradient. Ecological Indicators 111: 106036.
Lopes Costa L, Rosental Zalmon I, Fanini L, Defeo O (2020) Macroinvertebrates as indicators of human disturbances on sandy beaches: a global review. Ecological Indicators 118: 106764.
Marin Y, Horta S, Chocca J, Defeo O (2020) Historical expansion and diversification of Uruguayan fisheries in the Río de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean: the concept of «Métier» and the identification of high-intensity fishing areas. Ocean and Coastal Management 184: 104919.
Franco B, Defeo O, Piola AR, Barreiro M, Yang H, Ortega L, Gianelli I, Castello JP, Vera C, Buratti C, Pájaro M, Pezzi LP; Möller OO (2020) Climate change impacts on the atmospheric circulation, ocean, and fisheries in the southwest South Atlantic Ocean: a review. Climatic Change 162: 2359-2377.
Gianelli, I., Ortega, L., Marín, Y., Piola, A. R., & Defeo, O. (2019). Evidence of ocean warming in Uruguay’s fisheries landings: the mean temperature of the catch approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series 625: 115-125.
Gianelli, I., Ortega, L., Defeo, O (2019) Modeling short-term fishing dynamics in a small-scale intertidal shellfishery. Fisheries Research 209: 242-250.
Proverbio, C., Carnevia, D., Jorge-Romero, G., Lercari, D. (2019) Herramientas para el mantenimiento de la almeja amarilla Mesodesma mactroides en condiciones experimentales de cautiverio. Innotec 18: 124-141.
Orlando, L., Ortega, L., Defeo, O. (2019) Multi-decadal variability in sandy beach area and the role of climate forcing, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 218: 197-203.
Jorge-Romero, G., Lercari, D., Ortega, L., Defeo, O. (2019) Long-term ecological footprints of a man-made freshwater discharge onto a sandy beach ecosystem. Ecological Indicators 96: 412-420.
Scapini F, Innocenti Degli E, Defeo O (2019) Behavioral adaptations of sandy beach macrofauna in face of climate change impacts: A conceptual framework. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 225: 106236.
Ferreira-Rodríguez N, Defeo O, Macho G, Pardo I (2019) A social-ecological system framework to assess biological invasions: Corbicula fluminea in Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula). Biological Invasions 21: 587-602.
Nahuelhual L, Defeo O, Vergara X, Bozzeda F, Marín SL, Blanco G (2019). Is there a Blue Transition underway? Fish and Fisheries 20: 584-595.
Canonico G, Buttigieg PL, Montes E, Stepien CA, Wright D, Benson A, Helmuth B, Costello MJ, Muller-Karger FE, Sousa Pinto I, Saeedi H, Newton JA, Appeltans W, Bednaršek N, Bodrossy L, Best BD, Brandt A, Goodwin K, Iken K, Marques A, Miloslavich P, Ostrowski M, Turner W, Achterberg EP, Barry T, Defeo O, Bigatti G, Henry LA, Ramiro Sanchez B, Durán Muñoz P, Cuadrado MMS, Morato T, Roberts M, Garralda Garcia-Alegre A, Murto BJ (2019) Global observational needs and resources for marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:367.
Gianelli. I., Horta, S., Martínez, G., de la Rosa, A., Defeo, O. (2018) Operationalizing an ecosystem approach to small-scale fisheries in developing countries: The case of Uruguay. Marine Policy 95: 180-188.
Celentano, E., Lercari, D., Maneiro, P., Rodríguez, P., Gianelli, I., Ortega, L., Orlando, L., Defeo, O. (2018) The forgotten dimension in sandy beach ecology: Vertical distribution of the macrofauna and its environment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 217: 165-172.
Lercari, D., Defeo, O., Ortega, L., Orlando, L., Gianelli, I., Celentano, E. (2018) Long-term structural and functional changes driven by climate variability and fishery regimes in a sandy beach ecosystem. Ecological Modelling 368: 41-51.
McLachlan, A., Defeo, O. (2018) The Ecology of Sandy Shores. Elsevier, Academic Press
McLachlan, A., Defeo, O., Short, A. (2018) Characterising sandy beaches into major types and states: Implications for ecologists and managers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 215: 152-160.
Defeo, O., Gianelli, I., Martínez, G., Ortega, L., Celentano, E., Lercari, D., de la Rosa, A. (2018) Natural, social and governance responses of a small-scale fishery to mass mortalities: the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides in Uruguay. Global Change in Marine Systems: Societal and Governing Responses. Guillotreau P, Bundy A, Perry RI (eds.) Routledge Studies in Environment, Culture, and Society Series, Chapter 17.